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Physical and chemical properties
Appearance : Yellow or orange crystalline powder
Solubility : Water / Practically insoluble
Ethanol (99.5%) / Very slightly soluble
Diethyl ether / Soluble
Melting point : Approx. 48°C (about 119°F)
CoQ10 becomes darker and gradually decomposes when exposed to light.
Ubichromenol might be a main degradation substance of which safety data have been estabilished in-house.
CoQ10 was isolated by Dr. Crane (University of Wisconsin) and colleagues in 1957. The Chemical structure was determined by Dr. Folkers (University of Texas) and colleagues in 1958.
CoQ10 exists in large quantities in the living world.
"Ubiquinone" is derived from the Latin word "Ubique", which means "everywhere".
Existence within cells: mitochondria, lysosomes, Golgi bodies, microsomes, cellular membranes, etc.
It is a critical constituent of the respiratory chain present in the mitochondrial membrane which produces most of the energy required for cell activity.
About  KANEKA Q10T
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